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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Hey there!  Want to see what we did in 2023? Click here or… NWIDA NWIDA members, contact us today if you need our assistance. If you’re not yet a member, we invite you to join today. Click here for news like this delivered to your inbox? Click here for news like this in your RSS feed? Join Read more…

California has become the 3rd state to pass a “right to repair” law, following Minnesota and NY. The bill had been introduced in 2019 and passed, nearly unanimously, through the state legislature in September. The state director of CALPIRG, Jenn Engstom, told iFixIt:“This is a victory for consumers and the planet, and it just makes sense.” “Right Read more…

Did you know that the third Saturday in October, is International Repair Day? This year it’s October 21st  Here’s how International Repair Day can make you money:  • PROMOTE IT. There are many on-line resources for graphics and other marketing ideas. • Promote your event at the Open Repair Alliance for free: Repair for Everyone – Repair Day 2023 Read more…

Apple this week penned a letter to California state senator Eggman, voicing support for SB 244, a “right to repair” bill currently making its way through California’s State legislature. While Apple has typically been against the repair of their products outside their own stores, they did introduce their “self repair” program last year. SB 244 is a fairly Read more…

Minnesota has passed a groundbreaking right-to-repair law, which requires electronics manufacturers to allow independent repair shops and consumers to buy necessary parts and tools to repair their own equipment. This law, which was signed by Governor Tim Walz in April 2023, is part of an omnibus appropriations bill. The new rules will take effect on July 1st, Read more…

NWIDA has been diligent in contacting various Federal legislators in regard to the Samsung USITC filing. To date, we’ve had good communications from at least 6 Senators. As you may know, Samsung has filed a complaint with the US Trade Commission. They want to ban ALL aftermarket screens. If they’re successful, your customers will no longer have Read more…

As we noted the other day (see here), NWIDA has written to every US Senator, the President and Vice President of the United States and the House Majority and Minority Leaders. Today, we’ve extended that reach to Ambassador Katherine Tai, the US Trade Representative (USTR). Ambassador Tai was appointed to her position in 2021 by President Biden. Read more…

Today, NWIDA sent letters to every member of the US Senate, the President and Vice President of the United States and the House Majority and Minority Leaders. While we’re active in advocacy work for our members, and the industry overall, it takes something pretty major for us to send actual letters to over 50 of this nation’s Read more…

State Senator Tom Pischke of the South Dakota legislature has introduced bill 194 as “An Act to to establish certain provisions regarding fairness in repairs of equipment sold or used in this state.“ We support this bill, and ask our members and friends in South Dakota to contact Senator Pischke to show their support as well. You can Read more…

In a complaint filed with the US International Trade Commission, as well as letters filed to the FTC, Samsung is looking to ban all aftermarket displays claiming: … Complainant seeks a general exclusion order barring importation of certain active matrix organic light-emitting diode display panels and modules that are used as replacement displays, and components thereof, that Read more…

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