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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Open Letter to Senate

Today, NWIDA sent letters to every member of the US Senate, the President and Vice President of the United States and the House Majority and Minority Leaders.

While we’re active in advocacy work for our members, and the industry overall, it takes something pretty major for us to send actual letters to over 50 of this nation’s leaders.

But this did it.

In January, Samsung filed a Section 337 Complaint with the USITC.  This basically asked the US Government to ban ALL AFTERMARKET OLED screens from coming into the country.


Samsung claims they violate their patents. Louis Rossmann (and others) say this would be a death blow to the independent repair agency.

We agree.

You can find a copy of the letter HERE. (or view it below.) This is the version we sent to President Biden. We needed to tweak it for certain members (ie The President vs a Senator) but this is pretty much the letter everyone got.

We urge everyone in the repair community to contact their Congress and Senate representatives (you find out who there are here)

The letter:



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