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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

The Prepaid Expo Followup

Peter Adderton and Adam Wolf of NWIDA
Peter Adderton with NWIDA President, Adam Wolf

What a GREAT Show! 

We want to thank so many people – I’m sure I’ll miss a few but I’ll give it a go…

Robin Tobias and Lisa Brown– Queens of The Prepaid Expo! Thank you for hosting the NWIDA Meet & Greet. If you have anything to do with Prepaid Wireless, make plans to be at this show every year. Period.

Peter Adderton – Not only gave a killer keynote, but Peter stayed an extra day, just for us! He also had the best line of the entire show: This industry needs a single strong voice. That’s NWIDA!

Precision Payroll – not only do NWIDA members save 20% on payroll processing, these ladies flew out to Las Vegas to support us at the show!One on One with Peter Adderton

EMIDA – Our latest vendor partner was giving away FREE AT&T Prepaid SIMs to new NWIDA members! Hope you got yours and if you missed out NWIDA members save 20% on every order.

Eternity Wireless – Ryan, Frank and the crew donated some killer prizes to our give-away! NWIDA members get best pricing on accessories and a bonus credit of up to $50 on your first order. Thank you guys!

Another great show is in the books, and even though I was crazy enough to take the red-eye home, I can’t wait until the next one.

Thank you all for making time to see us.

NWIDA members, contact us today if you need our help and if you’re not yet a member, we invite you to join today.

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