According to an article on PrepaidPhoneNews (link below), a request to stop the clock or extend the review period on the proposed SprinT-Mobile merger has been denied by the FCC.
This informal period covers 180 days as the government agency conducts an analysis on the acquisition. .
The request was sent in by a group of organizations to provide a public interest statement with more precise data on the spectrum concentration.
Among those that joined the group are the Communications Workers of America, NTCA– The Rural Broadband Association, Rural Wireless Association, Consumers Union, Common Cause, Public Knowledge, The Greenlining Institute, Free Press, Benton Foundation, Writers Guild of America West, and New America’s Open Technology Institute.
The request of the group was because they were unable to establish any basis for approving their extension request.
With its decision, the FCC continues to follow its schedule. Petitions to Deny are set to end on August 27th while opposition comments are due on September 17th. The replies to these will be due on October 9th.