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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

UPDATE 8/30/18 12:05pm NWIDA has confirmed that ROK is shutting down their Sprint side and their customers will be transfered to another Sprint MVNO. —————————————— We’re hearing that ROK Mobile is shutting down their “Sprint side.” The last portout date will be 8/31/18 12 am midnight EST. ROK has already killed AT&T activations and Verizon shut them down Read more…

T-Mobile is Asking For MVNO Public Support T-Mobile is asking MVNOs that run on its mobile network to publicly come out in favor of the company’s proposed merger with Sprint. They are requesting the mobile virtual network operators take steps that range from filing FCC comments in favor of the deal to publishing editorials in news publications. The Read more…

According to an article on PrepaidPhoneNews (link below), T-Mobile confirmed the report that it encountered a security breach August 20th. In a statement, T-Mobile affirmed that sensitive information about its customers were not included in the breach. However, some other customer information may have been left vulnerable to the malicious party. Among these include customer names, email addresses, Read more…

According to an article on PrepaidPhoneNews (link below), a request to stop the clock or extend the review period on the proposed SprinT-Mobile merger has been denied by the FCC. This informal period covers 180 days as the government agency conducts an analysis on the acquisition. . The request was sent in by a group of organizations to provide Read more…

What a GREAT Show!  We want to thank so many people – I’m sure I’ll miss a few but I’ll give it a go… Robin Tobias and Lisa Brown– Queens of The Prepaid Expo! Thank you for hosting the NWIDA Meet & Greet. If you have anything to do with Prepaid Wireless, make plans to be at Read more…

From Prepaid Phone News: Best Buy announced that it purchased GreatCall, an MVNO operating on Verizon. The MVNO has a subscriber count of 900,000 and according to the announcement, the acquisition cost $800 million. GreatCall is most known for its Jitterbug phones, with large screens, easy-to-read buttons, and a dedicated Urgent Response system. In addition to these Read more…

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