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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Best Buy Purchases MVNO

greatcall-best-buy-acquisition NWIDA

From Prepaid Phone News:
Best Buy announced that it purchased GreatCall, an MVNO operating on Verizon. The MVNO has a subscriber count of 900,000 and according to the announcement, the acquisition cost $800 million.

GreatCall is most known for its Jitterbug phones, with large screens, easy-to-read buttons, and a dedicated Urgent Response system. In addition to these phones, GreatCall sells wearable medical alert devices.

According to Best Buy, “the acquisition is a manifestation of the Best Buy 2020 strategy to enrich lives through technology by addressing key human needs. It is specifically focused on addressing the growing needs of the aging population with the help of technology products, services and solutions.” This firs with Best Buy’s “Assured Living” program that launched in 2017.

Despite purchasing the MVNO, Best Buy assured that GreatCall will continue to operate independently with CEO David Inns staying on board.

The acquisition still has to go through regulatory approval.

You can read the entire article HERE.

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