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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

As we reported earlier, Dish and Direct TV announced a merger. However, today we learned the merger is off.  DirecTV has walked away from the merger which included Dish’s satellite service and Sling TV streaming platform. This decision came after Dish bondholders rejected a proposed debt exchange that was key to the deal. In a statement, DirecTV Read more…

Earlier today, NWIDA filed a formal comment with the FCC regarding the US Cellular / T-Mobile merger. The entire comment will be made is now available for public viewing in the next few days on the FCC website. Meanwhile, here’s a summary: NWIDA is concerned, given T-Mobile’s history with the dealer network in past mergers. US Cellular Read more…

**Updated 12/26/24**While a lawsuit suspended the filing – as of 12/23/24 most companies are now again REQUIRED to file! The deadline for most companies has been extended until 1/13/25. Please click here to file today —————————————————— (Original post)Starting January 1, 2024, the Corporate Transparency Act requires most U.S.-based LLCs, including independently owned cellular phone stores, to report Read more…

2 recent articles at Phone Arena (links at end of post) tell the story of issues at T-Mobile retail stores – and they reference both corporate stores and indirect/dealer stores owned by Arch Telecom. Arch Telecom, a T-Mobile Preferred Retailer, has faced criticism regarding its handling of employee and customer issues, despite promises to operate with integrity. Read more…

Boost Mobile is getting closer to meeting FCC coverage deadlines by the end of the year and has claimed the title of MNO (Mobile Network Operator) instead of MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator.) Boost is required to meet specific milestones in its 5G network buildout. The deadline last June was that Boost needed to cover 70% of Read more…

Thanks to E-Scrap News for covering our session at e-Summit. (Link to story) Author Colin Staub did a nice job summarizing our session, as we explored new ways for mobile repair shops to add income. If you missed the session in Austin, check out this summary.   NWIDA Announcing IMEI Reports – Generate a comprehensive device report Read more…

Yesterday, we were invited to moderate a panel at Mobile Repair Dayheld inside the e-Summit conference. I was joined by Shay Kripilani of Injured Gadgets, Eric Houdek of PLP and Chad Johansson , a CPR franchisee. We discussed the challenges of a local wireless repair shop, Apple and Samsung issues and how repair shops can generate more Read more…

According to Light Reading (link below) Lyca Mobile said it settled its legal battle with T-Mobile, but details were not released. None of the companies involved would publicly discuss the situation.  The fight between Lycamobile and T-Mobile stretches back to 2022, when T-Mobile filed a lawsuit against Lycamobile.  T-Mobile claims it accidentally undercharged Lyca for more than a Read more…

Many of the (former) MVNOs – which have been recently purchased by their carrier have upgraded their offerings: Ultra Mobile (now owned by T-Mobile) has removed all high-speed data caps on its unlimited plans. In addition, Ultra is giving 50 winners 6 months of Ultra Unlimited service and their choice of streaming services. Customers can enter at Read more…

Phone Arena reports (link below) T-Mobile will face fraud allegations, including deceptive practices, following a ruling by the New York State Supreme Court. The suit alleges that T-Mobile conspired with the third-largest operator of T-Mobile stores, Arch Telecom, to close the minority-owned locations. The original filing submitted to the court said, “Arch Telecom attempts to close the Plaintiffs’ stores for absolutely Read more…

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