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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

T-Mobile Buys US Cellular

US Cellular - NWIDAT-Mobile announced today that they are purchasing all of US Cellular’s wireless business for $4.4 billion.

T-Mobile _ NWIDAUScellular will retain ownership of its other spectrum as well as its towers, with T-Mobile entering into a long-term arrangement to lease space on at least 2,100 additional towers being retained.

The sale of US Cellular has long been rumored and discussed. 

“T-Mobile’s purchase and integration of UScellular’s wireless operations will provide best-in-class connectivity to rural Americans through enhanced nationwide coverage and service offerings at more compelling price points,” said Laurent Therivel, CEO of UScellular. “The transaction provides our customers access to better coverage and speeds, as well as unlimited texting in more than 215 countries, content offers, device upgrades and other T-Mobile benefits.”

As always, NWIDA will closely monitor the impact to the US Cellular dealer network,

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