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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Verizon Sets 5G Cost to Customers

Verizon sets 5G Cost - NWIDA$10.00 – that’s what Verizon says it will charge customers (per month, per smartphone) for the next generation of wireless networks. 5G service, expected to launch in downtown Chicago and Minneapolis on April 11, will be limited to customers with unlimited plans and compatible devices. Eventually, Verizon wants to launch 5G in more than 30 cities during 2019. The company is the first wireless carrier to disclose pricing for their next-generation service.

To coincide with the launch, Verizon is offering the new 5G Moto modVerizon 5G Mobility Service and Motorola 5G smartphone are here. Customers anywhere in the U.S. can pre-order the 5G moto mod starting March 14. When paired with the Moto z3, the 5G Moto mod creates the world’s first 5G-enabled smartphone

You can read the entire Press Release HERE 

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