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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Sprint T-Mobile Merger Paused Again

According to an article in PrePaid Phone News (link below), the highly anticipated T-Mobile and Sprint merger is on hold (again) Sprint / T-Mobile Merger (NWIDA)as the FCC announced another pause to the review stage.

The announcement was made after it decided to examine “significant new information” that the agency received that could potentially raise some concerns on the proposed merger.

This decision comes after T-Mobile’s filing, where it updated its plans for offering a wireless home broadband service. Normally, the FCC completes merger reviews within a 180-day period – with the Commission’s new decision to pause the review, it now plans to resume its countdown on April 4th. This gives them less than 60 days to either approve or reject the  merger.

According to the FCC, its decision to pause the clock was to give more time for staff and third-parties to review the new information. By doing this, the FCC promises that they are able to make a balanced and speedy review that coincides with public interest.

John Legere and Marcelo Claure are set to testify before the House anti-trust committee on March 12th.

You can read the entire article HERE 

Boost, Sprint, Metro or T-Mobile Dealers – if you’re concerned about the merger at all, please come to our upcoming Roadshows. For more information, click HERE

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