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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Verizon (Again) Delays 3G Shutdown

Verizon - 5G - - NWIDAMike Dano write in LightReading (link below) that Verizon has once again, moved it’s 3G shutdown date.

Verizon spokesperson Kevin King said “our 3G network is operational and we don’t have a plan to shut it down at this time. We’ll work with customers to move them to newer technology.” King clarified that Verizon is working to shutter its 3G network as soon as possible, though he did not provide a timeline for the effort. He disputed the notion that Verizon would continue to operate its 3G network well into the future.

In July 2019, Verizon confirmed that the operator had delayed the shuttering of its 3G network from the end of 2019 to the end of 2020. He said the action would give impacted customers “an extra year to decide what they want to do.” 

3G network shutdowns represent a significant issue not only for smartphone users but also for companies that use the network. For example, Toyota has begun warning some customers that its “Safety Connect” services in North America, including collision notification and roadside assistance, will no longer work after Nov. 1, 2022, due to 3G network shutdowns. “This was a decision made by third-party wireless service providers,”

Light Reading article is here

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