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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Metro By T-Mobile To Be Sold In T-Mobile Stores

Metro Changes - NWIDAAccording to a report from the T-Mo report (link below) T-Mobile confirmed today that existing rural T-Mobile stores will begin selling and servicing the Metro by T-Mobile brand. 

Jon Freier, in a live stream, stated that T-Mobile plans to expand the Metro brand and will be opening around 500 Metro stores and “multi-carrier” stores. The multi-carrier stores are a sort of “all in one” store under the T-Mobile name that will serve T-Mobile, Sprint, and Metro by T-Mobile accounts.

“Across our existing stores, as well as our new stores in rural America, we plan to introduce Metro by T-Mobile products in our own T-Mobile stores” Freier said. “This move allows us to expand our prepaid reach, and doing so in a way that’s even better for our customers.”

Four existing T-Mobile stores, in rural areas, have already begun trials where these stores have access to Metro systems. These are rural areas where the nearest Metro by T-Mobile stores are at least an hour away.

We reported this may come to fruition in January (story here.) The decision to sell Metro directly in T-Mobile stores was one part of a big plan to expand T-Mobile.

T-Mobile also confirmed Walmart and Best Buy distribution plans.

Full story here


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