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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Is This The Beginning Of the end of T-Mobile Dealers?

T-Mobile _ NWIDA T-Mobile has recently enacted a policy that cuts indirect dealer stores out of T-Mobile Tuesday promotions. Dealers were not given a chance to “opt-out” – they were cut out by T-Mobile.

In addition, Dealer goals have been raised while compensation has been lowered. It certainly seems they are actively trying to drive the dealers out of business.

But, back to the T-Mobile Tuesday’s:

First reported by Wave 7 Research, who saw this picture in a store in Kansas:

NWIDA reached out to T-Mobile dealers and distributors, as well as T-Mobile directly, to find out more information. To date, T-Mobile has not responded.

In the past, dealers have seen an 80-100% increase in “door swings” when there is a popular T-Mobile Tuesday promotion. Dealer stores will now instantly lose that business. 

In addition, this inconveniences customers. You can’t tell a a corporate store or not from the outside (or really, the inside.) Customers will inevitably go to their closet store, only to be told they’ll have to travel to another location. 

Remember, it was Jon Freier himself who, when they killed the TPRS program, said they would be cutting dealers:

Is brick-and-mortar retail dead? Here’s what I think: Yes, the way we’ve known it is dead.”

T-Mobile has cut dealers before. After the Sprint merger, then ending the TPRS program. Now it appears they want to end the majority of the remainder of the independent dealers.


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