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Are T-Mobile and Verizon Buying US Cellular?

US Cellular - NWIDAAccording to an article in the Wall Street Journal, T-Mobile and Verizon may each purchase a piece of US Cellular.

The article states that T-Mobile is in the final stages of a $2 billion purchase of a large piece of UScellular, and that Verizon is eyeing buying some of the remaining parts. 

The report notes neither agreement had been finalized but that the T-Mobile portion of the deal is nearing completion and could be announced later this month.

As per the article, dividing US Cellular between T-Mobile and Verizon might assuage regulators concerned about the continuous consolidation in the US wireless sector.

T-Mobile just closed on its $1.3 billion purchase of Ka’Ena and also announced a joint venture with EQT for fiber operator Lumos.

Splitting the roughly 5 million customers of US Cellular between T-Mobile and Verizon would also push AT&T farther into third place in the US wireless industry. 

US Cellular also owns around 4,000 cell towers, but those reportedly won’t be included in the Verizon or T-Mobile deals.

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