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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Visible is a bit more (well…) visible

Visible by Verizon (NWIDA)Visible by Verizon, according to a recent report (link below) is now available to anyone – no invite code needed.

The Verizon owned MVNO, was only available by invite code at launch, and could only be used by iPhone owners. Visible has said that as of last week an invite code is no longer needed. However still considered an early access service available exclusively to iPhone owners only.

Visible’s privacy policy is something you should know about. It states that Visible does collect quite a bit of subscriber data.

“We collect information when you use our service. This includes information about the calls you make and receive, text messages you send and receive, websites you visit, mobile applications you use, and wireless network and device information, including location, Internet protocol (IP) address and connection speed, mobile telephone number, device and advertising identifiers, browser type, and operating system.”

Visible also seems to have started to advertise and market its service. The company established a presence at the Grandoozy music festival which was held in Denver, Colorado in mid September.

The company also launched a Snapchat filter that used AR to allow users to go “backstage” at the festival. Festival goers were able to physically walk around and see a backstage area through the Snapchat filter. Visible plans to offer more experiences like this down the road.

Read the entire article HERE

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Visible By Verizon

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