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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Link to Sprint Presentation to FCC (9/21/18)

Sprint Logo (NWIDA)Dow Draper’s presentation to the FCC on September 21 is now available to the public (link below.)

While parts are redacted, there are some interesting sections still there – including the trashing of Sprint by it’s top employees, including a slide called Network Shortcomings Limit Our Ability to Attract and Retain Subscribers and the one below called Sprint Faces Substantial Challenges That Limit Its Effectiveness.

So, if you’re a Boost Mobile (or other Sprint MVNO dealer, NOW is the time to join NWIDA as we fight for your existence!

Sprint Faces Substantial Challenges That Limit Its Effectiveness

• Despite achieving substantial cost reductions and stabilizing its financial position, Sprint has not been able to turn the corner with respect to its core business challenges

• Sprint tried a more localized approach in an attempt to drive growth, but continues to face declining subscribers and revenue

• Sprint has attempted to position itself as a value leader with aggressive price promotions, but those efforts have not achieved sufficient growth or churn reduction to offset their cost

• Given Sprint’s network investment needs, negative network perception, and declining share and service revenues, it will continue to face substantial business challenges Verizon, according to a recent report (link below) is now available to anyone – no invite code needed.

Now obviously Sprint is saying these things because (a) well, they’re true but (b) they REALLY want the merger to go through.

You can see the entire presentation HERE

NWIDA members, contact us today if you need our assistance and if you’re not yet a member, we invite you to join today.

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