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Verizon 5G and Walmart

Verizon - 5G - Walmart - NWIDAThe Wall St. Journal is reporting that Verizon and some 5G services will be available, at least as a trial, in Walmart.

Apparently, the pair are in negotiations to bring 5G to two Walmart locations this year, where it would be used to allow customers to securely share medical data with healthcare professionals and interact with doctors using a video stream on a dedicated app.

Walmart provides pharmacy services, and has recently opened clinics at a small number of locations.

In addition to enabling new health services, 5G connectivity could also be used to help the stores track inventory in real time as customers shop.

In February, Verizon teamed with Emory Healthcare to develop and test new 5G use cases for the medical industry. At the time, Verizon Business Group CEO Tami Erwin said the technology’s potential to “transform healthcare is limitless”.

Read the entire article here.

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