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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

The Big Metro PCS Announcement

Metro by T-Mobile (NWIDA)

Update (9/23/18) – We have the scoop! Click HERE for details!


Update: (9/21/18)

Is this the new logo? (credit Peter Adderton)


Original Post 9/20/18

Big Metro PCS Announcement - NWIDA

We’re hearing that the big announcement, teased by Metro PCS and scheduled to be released on September 23, is a “rebrand” (of sorts) and they will change their name to…

“Metro by T-Mobile.”

In addition, we’re hearing of new “hybrid” plans (between prepaid and postpaid.)

As we hear more, we will update this post.

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31 comments on “The Big Metro PCS Announcement

Metro Employee

there is a live stream for employees at 8pm tonight!


We suggest you contact your nearest Independent Wireless Dealer – they may have better options for you.

Rodolfo Reyes jr

Again its all about researching any products befor buying it


We agree! Check with your local independent wireless dealer for the best options for you!


Honestly I wish this ment better service reception since I get better service in the middle of the woods in upper Michigan where my service will switch from Metro to At&t than what I get for my house in Detroit


Check with your local independent wireless dealer- they may have some better options for you!

Christopher Bacher

I bought a new phone. Not real happy with it, plus had some problems with it. Had the phone less than a week & wanted to exchange it towards a different phone. Nope. Would have to keep this phone plus pay for new phone, and activation fee. Not happy about that. Also, would be nice to have nice deals for existing customers once in a while.


Check with your local independent wireless dealer- they may have some great deals for you!

Karla Gierer

I have had problems with coverage, 4 phones within 6 months and I always have to upgrade, not enough Corporate office being you always have to go to them with problems. And service areas stink. The price for things aren’t cheap for what you have to pay. Not a lot of variety of phones. Guess we will have to wait or I will go back to Boost at least my service was good


I have Metro. Have had no problems. Have unlimited data talk text but no hot spot. Use the phone all the time with no problems. Had cricket and they choke the signal when you use too much data. ATT lies to users about the cost. REALLY.

Eric Griffith

Crazy thing is my wife went to Sprint to get away from metro then we find out after the fact about this crazy merger when metro and Sprint should of told us about it

Rick ryker

Just plain sucks they’re always texting me what I owe even a week before they don’t help out or anyting. I think the wise choice would be to go to Cricket they have AT&T back in them AT&T is better than T-Mobile

Josefina Enriquez

Terrible notice

Mary M.

Its so sad..I really liked Metro.. I hate the service now. After , I learned recently about the merger, I instantly noticed some I can’t use my service while on the phone. Then, Metro stopped internet as being part of the 48hr extention of service. Then we have to pay money when we downgrade our service. And last, we now have to wait 6 months instead of 3 months to unlock our phone to other carriers. Metro has become a basic shitty cell phone service provider. I might as well get Safelink or Virgin mobile. Even the quality of service id shitty..THE CRAZY PART ABOUT THIS IS HOW METRO CAN TEXT US OUR BILL AMOUNT BUT COULDNT TEXT US IN REGARDS TO THE MERGER, WHAT THE MERGER MEANS TO THE CUSTOMERS, OR TEXT US IN REGARDS TO THE CHANGES BEING MADE WITHIN THE METRO COMPANY TOWARDS THE CUSTOMERS. I HAD TO FIND OUT THE HARD WAY WHILE TRYING TO ESCAPE THE WRATH OF A HURRICANE AND DURING A POWER OUTAGE FOR 2 DAYS. I COULDNT USE MY MAPS OR GPS IN AN UNKNOWN AREA.


Ummm… It’s not a major merger like the way u’re thinking about it dude so take a chill pill lol! MetroPCS has been with t-mobile for over 6 years now! It’s just a re-branding of the name and their just gonna add a new kind of payment plan! So ur plan will be the same as u have now just the name will be different 😁.


Metro pcs is already owned b t mobile n has been it’s just a rebranding everything else will stay the same do ur research


This is correct (although we’re hearing new price plans as well)


They can’t get any worse, so it will have to be better.


Every time this happens, in any industry,but especially in digital services, it ends up being a disaster for the customers. A cable company I used sold out and customers with contracts, immediately had prices doubled and service literally halved, desk staff layed off and 3/4 of the customers over a short period quit the service. They complained to the County that licensed the Company that is no longer available in that County because the permits and license were revoked and thousands of complaints went to the CPB and FCC. I don’t like T-Mobile, although the service connection is good, I didn’t go to them because I didn’t want them. I most likely will end up elsewhere. Not unlike FB and Instagram, Instagram was genuinely good until FB bought it. I don’t use either.

Carolann Smith

I feel you on that, had Tmobile years ago and didnt like them. I will just go with another service.


Hi Carolann – what services do you sell in your store?


You do know that MetroPCS has been a subsidiary of T-Mobile since 2012 right? Your service will still be the same, it will be just a different branding.

Linda Paulson

Does T- Mobile own Metro?

Steve Taylor

If the service is better IAM ready for it to happen


What do you mean by “service”? For the dealers or ??

Catrenna Haygood

He means that yall have bad signal coverage in a lot of areas.


Well, that certainly won’t change just because of the new name and price plans 🙂

Metro Employee

The network will still be T-Mobile. Like it has been since 2014. Just a name change to be more obvious that they are on that network. Also moving into a higher sub category of cellular demographics. Focusing more on middle class consumers who don’t want to pay $1000 for phones. Or, those that want the flagship devices for themselves, but don’t think they should have to spend that much on their dependants devices. Effectively placing themselves right between boost/cricket at the bottom, and T-Mobile at the top.


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