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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

NWIDA’s Official Position on the Sprin-T-Mobile Merger

Recently, articles have been published stating that NWIDA is against the merger of Sprint and T-Mobile.

Let me say unequivocally, this is not true.

NWIDA’s position is this:

We want a solid commitment that no matter what happens with the merger, the owners of the Boost Mobile and Metro PCS brands will keep and continue to utilize the indirect dealer channel.


If that means that the “new T-Mobile” needs to spin off one or more of the brands. Fine.

If that means they keep all the brands. Fine.

We have not, made any statement, nor taken any position on the merger itself.

To date, only one person – Peter Adderton – has made that pledge, and we support him on it. We do feel it will be a “disaster” (as we’ve been quoted) if the owner(s) of these brand(s) do not make and maintain a commitment to the independent dealer.

We have asked Sprint and T-Mobile to make the same pledge.

NWIDA members, contact us today if you need our help and if you’re not yet a member, we invite you to join today.

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