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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Tello Mobile To Begin Customer Transition to T-Mobile

Tello - NWIDAAs we previously announced, Tello Mobile will be transitioning current and new to T-Mobile’s network as part of the merger. We now have more information on the transition.

The transition will be begin during the week of November 23rd for new customers. Existing customers will not be migrated to the GSM network until early 2021.

Tello said they will be migrating their customers in batches. Each subscriber will be given a free GSM SIM.

Coverage on (declining) Sprint will be available until at least mid-2021.

As for their rate plans, Tello assures that its current plans will stay in place. Customers can still custom-build their phone or data-only plan. Once the transition is complete, all plans will have access to 4G LTE and 5G networks.


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