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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Sprint MVNO Conversion Timeline

Tello - NWIDATello Mobile, a Sprint network MVNO, has released their “conversion” timeline – a necessity as T-Mobile begins the shut-down of the CDMA network.

Tello posted on their website (link below) that “2020 is the year for big changes” and that as of now, “If you’re an existing Tello customer, there’s nothing you need to do yet.

Tello went on to say that they are “already working intensively to implement the GSM service by the end of 2020″ but that won’t mean an immediate cutoff for the CDMA (only) compatible phone.

Tello also stated they will provide at least 3 months of notice prior to a closure of the Sprint network.  In addition, older Sprint phones will work up until at least mid-2021.

While we haven’t seen an official time-line from any other Sprint based MVNO, we can guess that their time-line will be similar. Of course, when we do hear we will post the information here.


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