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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

T-Mobile Sued by Multiple Dealers

NWIDA has learned that T-Mobile is being sued by multiple dealers, in multiple states for “destroying” dealer businesses by their practices after the Sprint merger closed. We have received copies of the complaints by at least 4 dealers in 4 states.

Sprint / T-Mobile Merger (NWIDA)Wireless Express (South Carolina), Solutions Center (Connecticut), Absolute Wireless (Tennessee) and Maycom (Florida) have all filed similar lawsuits. All were Sprint dealers before the merger. 

The suits claim things like “predatory business practices” “dishonesty” “fraudulent” and that T-Mobile “destroyed” their business, after many years of being a successful dealership – with multiple locations.

Tmo Lawsuit

All the suits we’re aware of were filed in January or February of this year. 

We will be following these suits closely and updating as we can.

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One comment on “T-Mobile Sued by Multiple Dealers

We have been fighting Sprint since 2018 over the ownership of the Nextel trademark. As we all know Nextel was shut down in 2013 and abandoned. We relaunched the Nextel brand in 2018 and Sprint sued us claiming they never stopped using Nestle and are still using the mark. LOL. Trial is set for April. We have counter sued them for 8 million in damages for tortuous business interference. Stay tuned!


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