It appears T-Mobile is not only cutting Metro dealers who only have a few stores, now they’re doing the same to T-Mobile stores.
Letters went out right before Thanksgiving informing hundreds of single store (and those with under a certain amount) of doors that they are being terminated.
After the Sprint merger, many of these independent dealers were forced to become sub-dealers under larger Master Agents. Now, after spending thousands of dollars in upgrades and renovations, they’re being told that they will soon be terminated.
One store owner told us this. We’ve modified some details (in parenthesis) so not to reveal their identity:
I’m the owner of one store located in (the East Coast). I had the most () preorders out of all T-Mobile stores in (my state) this year and the least amount of customer complaints… I received a phone call from… my master dealer… and he informed me that my store is on a list for… closures set to happen in March 2023. He also informed me that there will be no payout. (Then) he sent me an email with a docusign informing me of the closing procedure.
It’s pretty clear that T-Mobile only wants to deal with dealers who own a large number of stores – on both the prepaid and postpaid side. And they’re slashing hundreds, if not thousands of small and medium businesses to do so.
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