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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

T-Mobile Pushes 3G Shutdown

T-Mobile _ NWIDA T-Mobile has pushed back the official (Sprint) 3G shutdown date (again) – this time until May 31. Of course, this does not impact the fact that they are decommissioning the 3G cell sites as fast as possible.

Once the shutdown is in progress, CDMA customers will have their phones disabled and calls rerouted to customer care. 

In addition, T-Mobile plans to end its own 3G network by July 1st of this year. T-Mobile provided the following quote to 9to5 Mac:

We are proceeding as planned with the orderly shutdown of our CDMA network beginning on March 31. As part of our shutdown process, we are migrating customers in some areas over the following 60 days to ensure they are supported and not left without connectivity, and the network will be completely turned off by no later than May 31. This is a normal network transition process. We look forward to sunsetting this outdated technology so every customer will have access to the best connectivity and best experience in wireless.

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