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Sprint / T-Mobile Merger (NWIDA)

UPDATED – 5/20 – 10:31 – The divestiture has been confirmed by the FCC

UPDATE -5/20 10:08 am – NWIDA has heard from a Sprint employee that they have been told Boost is being spun off. We are trying to get a copy of the memo.


According to a Bloomberg report (link below) T-Mobile and Sprint are planning concessions to get their merger cleared. This will include spinning off Boost, but keeping Virgin and Metro.

T-Mobile and Sprint are planning to announce commitments to the U.S. government including:

• Asset sales and rural-service guarantees
• The promises include the sale of one of their prepaid brands
• A three-year build-out of their 5G network, and
• A reiterated pledge not to raise prices while the network is being constructed, said the

The new pledges follow talks with the FCC.

The concessions could be announced as early as this week and should help ease the regulatory approval process for the deal. The FCC and the U.S. DoJ both have to sign off on the transaction. The FCC’s 180-day review is scheduled to end in June.

Read the entire article here

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