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FCC officials meet to discuss merger conditions

FCC logo - NWIDA DOJ logo - NWIDAOfficials at the FCC met Thursday to discuss possible conditions for the merger. This may indicate that discussions with the government have reached a critical stage, according to a report from FOX Business (link below)

The meeting was “hours-long” and was held at FCC headquarters in Washington. It looks like this may be “progress” and a “somewhat positive development” Government officials have worried about the potential consumer implications of reducing the number of wireless carriers if the merger is approved.

Thursday’s talks were described as “constructive” and involved possible proposals by the company to sell off business or make other arrangements to gain regulatory approval.

Jonathan Chaplin, from New Street Research, had been skeptical of the deal’s chances until word of the talks began circulating on Wall Street. Chaplin said that “Up through last week we were bearish on the merger getting approved; now we are closer to giving the merger a fifty-fifty chance of going through.”

The FCCs time frame for a decision on the merger of early June. The DOJ is expected to make its decision at around the same time.

However, the two agencies are working closely together on the deal and are expected to be aligned in their decision about whether to approve the merger.

You can read the entire article here

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