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Huawei Loses Access of Android OS

Due to the recent ban by the current administration, Google has suspended business operations with Huawei effectively immediately. A move that will have a dramatic impact on Huawei devices across the globe.

With this move, Huawei has lost access to the Android OS and Google. In addition, Intel and Qualcomm joined Google in cutting off business with Huawei.

Google’s actions come after the U.S. Commerce Department placed Huawei and some 68 affiliates on the “Entity List” – a trade blacklist – following an executive order signed by President Trump.

This is the same list that ZTE was added to (and subsequently removed from) during 2018, which caused it massive disruption. Huawei is now effectively forbidden from buying parts and components from U.S. companies without U.S. government approval – which includes Android.

Google released a statement regarding the Huawei situation,

Android Tweet - NWIDA

Google plans to comply with the U.S. government’s order to place Huawei on its Entity List.

According to Reuters, Google was forced into suspending business with Huawei that “requires the transfer of hardware and software products.”

“Huawei Technologies Co Ltd will immediately lose access to updates to the Android OS, and the next version of its smartphones outside of China will also lose access to popular applications and services including the Google Play Store and Gmail app,” Reuters noted.

Read the entire article here

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