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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Some FreedomPop Customers CAN NOT Migrate to Ting

tingLast June, Ting Mobile and Red Pocket Mobile acquired FreedomPop. Since then, Ting has started to process the migration of the accounts to their network. News today shows that some former FreedomPop customers continue having migration troubles.

In response to this, “Mitch” from Ting’s social media response team wrote a letter on Reddit to explain the situation and help

“Mitch” explained that:

FreedomPop CDMA gave us a list of serial numbers and a list of VOIP phone numbers when we went to do the migration. We imported the information we received and that’s what is largely based on — that list. As it turns out, not all FreedomPop CDMA VOIP numbers were able to jump for a number of reasons.

One of the reasons pointed out in this is Numbering Resources. Due to this, the post was clear:

a small percentage of FreedomPop phone numbers cannot under any circumstances make the jump to Sprint, and thus cannot make the jump to Ting CDMA.

You can read the full statement here to get help on what to do if you are a former FreedomPop customer having trouble migrating to Ting.

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