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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

CES – What a Week

CES - NWIDACES is wrapping up, and it’s the first (but certainly not last) year that NWIDA is an Affiliated Association and we’ve made our presence here felt!

We came with numerous goals – one of which is to expand our retail members benefits of being a NWIDA member. As of today, we’re at roughly $8500 of products and services that our stores receive (not bad for under $1 a day!) and we really want to exceed $10,000 by the end of the first quarter this year.

I think it’s safe to say that after this week in Las Vegas, we are well on our way. We will be following up with the hundreds of people and companies we’ve met and should have some new announcements very soon.

We found some great products and services – for both the “sales” side AND the “repair” side – and even a few “sneak peaks” that we can’t talk about yet… but I can say this – it’s going to make you more money.

In addition, as is often the case when “great minds” get together, we think we have something even better. It’s a constant refrain from the dealer community “we need additional revenue streams!” – and we think we have a HUGE one. It literally came to us while on the show floor – and I can’t say too much about it right now, but it should benefit EVERY independent dealer and repair shop – and will be carrier agnostic. It won’t matter which wireless service you currently sell, this should add big bucks to your bottom line. 

As they say “watch this space for additional information – soon!”

Plus, we got to meet some great new friends: nwida

As well as catch up with some folks we knew:

nwidaOverall, it was busy (and tiring) and we walked A LOT! (We certainly got our steps in!) but it was all worth it. Just wait until you see what’s new from NWIDA!


NWIDA members, contact us today if you need our assistance and if you’re not yet a member, we invite you to join today.
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