NWIDA Members Now Have Additional Choices in Wholesale Devices. TSC Offers Responsible Recycling as well as Handsets, Housings and More
We are pleased to introduce TSC as our latest Vendor Partner (“VP”). NWIDA members will a 10% exclusive discount on their entire product line.
TSC offers used, tested handsets, housings and assemblies – as well as providing phone manufacturing and repair services. They also do re-glassing for broken glass assemblies.
Adam Wolf, NWIDA President said: “We formed NWIDA to give the independent dealer a bit of a level playing ground. Saving them money by utilizing our buying power certainly helps achieve that. Even a single store can save on the products they sell. It put additional revenue into the store. We’re thrilled to add this benefit for our members – saving them even more money.
Tom Seabrook at TSC stated: “We believe that responsible recycling is important in our industry, and we hold ourselves to high standards and practices for managing materials. It is our goal to provide quality products to the industry while remaining as environmentally friendly as possible. We’re happy to join NWIDA and offer their members discounts on our product line, and expand our environmentally responsible R2 principles.” TSC believes that if we make conducting business together easy, clients are more inclined to do it more often so we strive to make your buying experience enjoyable and easy.
Additional information can be found at nwida.org/member-benefits/discounts/tsc-devices
About TSC:
TSC began as a computer hardware and software broker in 1997. As the market for computers started to wane, we diversified into the cellular handsets. In the early 2000’s we built handsets for the Insurance market and helped to develop IQC standards that are still in use today.
For additional information, please contact Tom at 678-377-5973 or email TSC@nwidavendor.org