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Ajit Pai Stepping Down as FCC Chairman

Ajit Pai - FCC - NWIDAAjit Pai will be stepping down from his role as the FCC chairman, effective January 20, 2021. Pai made the announcement this week. 

Pai joined the FCC as a commissioner in 2012. In 2017, he was appointed by Donald Trump to be its chairman. The appointment was supposed to last for five years, but Pai is cutting it short. This isn’t uncommon, as the previous chairmen have also served four years and changed when the new president took office.

During his stint as FCC chairman, Pai made major decisions – including his support for the T-Mobile and Sprint merger, and the elimination of Net Neutrality, which,  with his departure, many are hopeful will return. 

“It has been the honor of a lifetime to serve at the Federal Communications Commission, including as Chairman of the FCC over the past four years.. To be the first Asian-American to chair the FCC has been a particular privilege. As I often say: only in America.”


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