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Will Virgin Mobile Comeback?

Virgin Mobile Logo - NWIDAYesterday, we reported that Sprint had announced they’ve killed off the Virgin Mobile brand, and will be moving all those customers to Boost.

Today we learned that the Virgin Group will be taking the Virgin Mobile brand back. Virgin is still deciding whether they will relaunch the brand in the US under a new identity.

A representative from Virgin told The Verge: 

As part of the remedy process laid out by the DoJ for the merger of Sprint and T-Mobile, Sprint is transferring its pre-pay mobile brands to Dish. To facilitate this move Virgin Group has agreed with Sprint to transfer existing Virgin Mobile US customers to the Boost brand ahead of the sale to Dish. Following the transfer, Virgin will take back the Virgin Mobile brand for the US. We are delighted that after a period of uncertainty caused by the protracted merger discussions, we have control of our valuable brand once again and will now work on options to relaunch a modern mobile offer in the US.

In related news, Tello Mobile has reached out to Prepaid Phone News and asked them to invite Virgin customers to port their number to them. Since Tello also operates under Sprint’s network, it’s possible for customers to keep their phone and SIM.

Tello shared their plan options that could easily be customized according to the needs of the customers. And as explained yesterday, the big change that Virgin Mobile customers could experience with the transfer to Boost Mobile is that they will no longer get PayPal as an option for payments. With Tello, customers can continue using this method to pay for their plans.

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