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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

What’s Up With Ting?

**Updated 7/12/19 12:01PM** Ting has a new information page up. You can see it here.

**Updated 7/11/19 – 7:41 AM** – Ting has posted a transcript which includes clarifying statements from their CEO. You can read it here.
So, yesterday, a story was published on how Ting, which bought FreedomPop’s CDMA business, left Sprint and was forcing customers to choose a new plan. After we published that story, Ting’s landing page disappeared and was re-directed to their home page.

Today, Mike Dano published an article on how Ting is now leaving T-Mobile and moving to Verizon to be their network partner (link below.)

Per the article, the reason for the switch is the “ongoing drama” around the Sprint / T-Mobile Merger.

Elliot Noss, CEO of Tucows (which owns Ting) said

“We had expected that the proposed Sprint/T-Mobile merger would have been resolved by now. If that had happened, we would have been able to engage with the parties and assess the financial implications of potential post-merger relationships, However, because the merger has not occurred, we had to assess our relationships with Sprint and T-Mobile separately.”

He continued to say:

“A number of factors motivated these changes, With Verizon, we will be adding the network that in our opinion has the best coverage and performance ratings in the U.S. Our contract with Verizon is better than that with T-Mobile in terms of rates, guarantees and other financial terms, which had negatively impacted Ting Mobile’s past performance. Finally, our dealings with Verizon to this point have been productive and professional.”

Ting said it will retain its agreement with Sprint for another year. This additional year gives them time to see what happens with the Sprint/T-Mobile merger and make an assessment as to the best course for Ting after September 2020.

We have reached out to Ting/Tucows for additional clarification and will update this post as we hear back.

For the full article, please click here

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