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Ting Leaves Sprint – Forces FreedomPop Customers to Make Choice

Ting Leaves Sprint - NWIDA**Updated 7/12/19 12:01PM – Ting has a new info page up. You can see it here.

**Updated 7/11/19 – 7:41 AM** – Ting has posted a transcript which includes clarifying statements from their CEO. You can read it here.

** Updated 7/9/19 – 6:46 PM** – the page on the Ting website that’s referenced in the original story is now gone and forwards to the Ting home page. We will update this story as we have more information.


**Original Story**

Earlier this month, it was announced that Ting Mobile has acquired the Sprint customers of FreedomPop. Now, those customers have a choice they need to make.

On its website, Ting says that FreedomPop is quitting Sprint. FreedomPop customers that are affected by this move now have their service moved to them. The company also states that nothing else has changed with the phone service. All that’s left to do is to activate service under Ting Mobile or move to another carrier.

Ting has an exclusive offer for (former) FreedomPop customers: a $20 plan that comes with unlimited talk, text, and 20GB of LTE data. There is also an option to get the $6 plan that includes unlimited talk and text, and LTE data can be added at $4 per GB.

As a special offer, the $20 plan comes with a free first month of service. The only thing that needs to be paid are the taxes and government/regulatory fees.

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8 comments on “Ting Leaves Sprint – Forces FreedomPop Customers to Make Choice

S. Whitehead

I had Freedom Pop for exactly 2 years. Could count on fingers how many times I used it. Only got for “emergencies”. I have still have landline. The problems I had were with trying to get my number released so I could go to another service. They simply WOULD NOT give correct information to my new service so I could port-out seamlessly (i.e. giving 2 different phone numbers for my phone-neither of which were my number and never had been-incorrect address information, incorrect account numbers, etc. I spent DAYS trying to resolve the issues. Finally gave up and bought another phone. I feel your pain if you have experienced anything like I have with this/these companies. I am convinced it was sabotage.

Douglas Roberts

Quite a shock for me. I never had a FreedomPop phone. I only used a Novatel Mifi device I purchased from them to check emails when visiting other cities. I was getting their service for free the last several months when I switched to basic 3G and less than 500MB data usage. Easy to go when only checking email. So now what? Will my Novatel Mifi device stop working soon? I connected with it earlier today.

Anyway, my take away is that while FREE was good for me, you can’t run a business based on FREE service.


Same thing happened to me. I paid a year at a time, last one in March. I’ve gone to their site and get the same message “A few more hours to crunch the data”
I’ve been getting that Friday the July 19th. No answers at FreedomPop I can’t even access account. I called Ting and was told it was taking longer than expected. Why isn’t Red Pocket picking up FreedomPop customers? I talked to them and they can’t tell me anything. I went to GenMobile got one of their phones and $10 unlimited talk text plan. Set up was $35 but at least i have a phone until this is settled.


Well its been fun freedompop customers. But turns out free doesn’t last forever.


Class Action EXACTLY! This is terrible! I have had Unreal Mobile for almost a year and did not know they did this until yesterday when my MMS photo texts stopped working. Then on the app it gave the warning the account was no longer with FreedomPop/Unreal and I had to enroll in Ting. Ting’s link says it only has two plans available and they are NOT the same as I am currently on (Unlimited $15/mo, 3 GB 4G with rollover). Ting’s closest plan is more expensive …of course. I PAID FOR THE WHOLE MONTH OF SERVICE WITH UNREAL and now they are cutting it short. I called Ting and they said the service will end if I don’t sign up, and that the old plans are NOT grandfathered. I called Red Pocket to see if I could switch to them and the girl said the plans are the same and that I don’t have to do anything (except I don’t have the AT&T version already so I’d have to switch.) I called Unreal and I cant get any customer service people on the phone. When you press the number for tech support it disconnects the line. I don’t even know if they are actually technically in business anymore. Its a disaster and this should NEVER have happened like this. Someone should be held responsible for this debacle.

Jimmie R. Edwards

I agree, this is a complete surprise and I am not good with technology so I am in real mess. My son will try to help me sort it out, but it does not seem very fair to just do something with no one effected knowing about things.


I found out about this because last night my Freedompop phone started saying my “Account Not Active” with no warning whatsoever. The migration to Ting link (which isn’t easy to discover) takes you to a page that does not work. Every time you enter a phone number it says they need “A few more hours to crunch the data” unacceptable. I didn’t plan to look for phone service today, but thanks to Ting and Freedompop, that’s what I’ll be doing. Who knows what messages I’m not receiving, and I’ll probably have to get a new number, and lord knows all my contacts still haven’t updated my number in their phones from the last time I did that. This whole thing should lead to a class action lawsuit. I’m PAYING for this service.


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