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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Was Your Bobby Bo Day as Good as Mint’s?

So, I’m a NY Mets fan. Always have been. So I’m painfully aware that my team pays Bobby Bonilla over $1 million every July 1st – even though he hasn’t played a single game for them since 1999 (22+ years ago.) And, they’ll do this for a total of 25 years. 

I won’t get into why they do this (just Google it, but it’s based on Bernie Madoff) but Mint Mobile did something absolutely brilliant this year. 


First, they got “Bobby Bo” to appear in two separate TV ads (see ad 1 heresee ad 2 here) – the ads are hilarious! But then Mint went a step further and set up a one day Bobby Bonilla rate plan – 25 years of service for an upfront payment of $2,500! Wait — apparently 124 people bought it! Here’s the tweet from Mint Mobile “owner” Ryan Reynolds: 

Now, who knows if Mint will be around in 25 years. Looks like they’re planning for anything tho. This is from their T&C: 

Pricing, terms, and conditions (including all Terms & Conditions listed here) are subject to change and may be modified or terminated at any time without notice, unlike Bobby’s other deal. Mint Mobile reserves the right to buy back The Bobby Bonilla Plan under certain conditions. But we’re mostly just impressed that you’re interested, honestly.

In any event, it was a BRILLIANT mini ad campaign! 


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