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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Verizon Posts New Tracfone Q&A

As the Verizon acquisition of Tracfone has been completed, there are now a new series of FAQ on the Tracfone website, specifically referring to any changes upcoming for Tracfone customers. 

Verizon confirms here that Tracfone will be migrated to the Verizon network:

Tracfone customers will be able to keep their current device. If a customer’s Tracfone plan is served on a network other than Verizon’s, Tracfone will have a carefully managed transition during which customers will be able to move to the Verizon network, including obtaining a device compatible with Verizon’s network if necessary. We will communicate with such customers and you do not need to worry about being surprised.

And that pricing may change – but not “yet”: 

Tracfone customers will be able to stay on their current plan and for a significant period of time going forward. Of course, you will also be able to move to any of the new plans that we introduce.

You can see all the FAQ here


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