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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

VENN Mobile Shut down

Venn Mobile - NWIDAVenn Mobile, who launched in January 2020 had great rate plans – including their unlimited everything plan with 50GB of hotspot data for $30/month. It now looks like it was too good to be true. Venn Mobile, who is owned by T-Mobile business reseller Teltik, has stopped activating new lines of service and selling phones.

At the end of April, the brand stopped posting to all of its social media accounts. In June Reddit posts reported that their service was stopped. Venn emailed some subscribers notifying them that the issue was related to a Sprint service outage. Venn confirmed that Sprint had turned off the lines and that they were waiting for Sprint to turn them back on.

According to other Reddit posters, the reason for the shutdown may be due to Venn Mobile being behind on payments to Sprint. Claims of Venn owing Spring over $60,000 are out there.

Venn Mobile’s sister brand Teltik may also be forced to soon close. Teltik’s webpage now displays a message stating that “All activations are currently on hold. Please check back for further updates.” 

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