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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Is Today the Day? Sprin-T?

***Update*** – It HAS been announced:

According to a published report, today (Apr 29) may be the day of announcement of the long rumored deal between Sprint and T-Mobile, with T-Mo CEO John Legere at the helm.

Per the article, the merger of the nation’s 3rd and 4th largest carriers could value Sprint at around $26 billion and see more than 127 million customers.

According to Reuters, T-Mobile (Deutsche Telekom) will own roughly 40% of the combined company and will have voting control with Sprint majority-owner SoftBank.

The deal is not final, and could still fall apart.

A deal, if reached, would conclude several years of negotiations between the companies. Talks most recently broke off late last year after Masayoshi Son decided he didn’t want to lose control of a combined company.

Of course, even if agreed to by the companies, US regulatory bodies would need to approve the deal – which is certainly not guaranteed (see AT&T’s failed merger with T-Mobile.)

Read the entire article HERE

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