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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

According to Makan Delrahim, Ass’t AG for the DOJ, the $26 billion merger between T-Mobile and Sprint would increase competition and benefit consumers. During testimony before a subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee Delrahim, told lawmakers the agency investigated the transaction for 13 months. “You’re now going to have Sprint, T-Mobile combined, with the remedies we put Read more…

Is it true? Are we almost done? According to a report in FoxBusiness, the merger is “nearing completion.” Federal regulators have signaled to T-Mobile and Sprint that barring a last-minute snag, they are on the verge of giving the green light to the transaction. Deliberations have swung wildly from nearly complete to nearly dissolving over the past Read more…

According to a Reuter’s report (link below) the U.S. Justice Department may sue to block the merger of T-Mobile and Sprint if the parties do not settle next week. In June, a group of U.S. state attorneys general filed suit to block the merger, arguing that the deal would cost consumers more than $4.5 billion annually. The Read more…

Attorneys General Preparing Merger Lawsuit **Update 6/11/19 1:40pm** Link to AG Press Release —————————— According to a report at TheStreet (link below) a group of 10 U.S. state attorneys general will file a lawsuit to prevent the Sprint / T-Mobile merger. Reuters reported the plans, which could come as early as today, amid an ongoing probe by Read more…

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