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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Done Deal?

Is it true? Are we almost done?

According to a report in FoxBusiness, the merger is “nearing completion.”

Federal regulators have signaled to T-Mobile and Sprint that barring a last-minute snag, they are on the verge of giving the green light to the transaction.

Deliberations have swung wildly from nearly complete to nearly dissolving over the past three months, and anything is possible. But, the DOJ was informed last week of deal progress and a tentative structure that appears to pass regulatory muster, these people add.

Regulators have alerted the companies that they could make what’s known as a “settlement announcement” Wednesday or Thursday, or possibly sooner. Such an announcement would set merger terms that the DOJ could live with, including the divestiture of assets that would lead to the creation of a fourth wireless network.

One hint that the DOJ’s announcement is imminent came over the weekend: Antitrust chief Makan Delrahim was scheduled on Tuesday to testify before the Senate’s antitrust subcommittee but the hearing was cancelled on Saturday in a move that some insiders are saying could signal the deal is coming together. As previously reported, optimism is growing that the DOJ’s approval was likely coming any day now as the parties began to nail down terms.

A DOJ spokesman declined to comment. Press officials from T-Mobile and Sprint had no comment.

A Dish spokeswoman also had no comment.

Read the entire article here

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