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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

DOJ Official says Merger would be a “big win” for rural consumers

According to Makan Delrahim, Ass’t AG for the DOJ, the $26 billion merger between T-Mobile and Sprint would increase competition and benefit consumers.

During testimony before a subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee Delrahim, told lawmakers the agency investigated the transaction for 13 months.

“You’re now going to have Sprint, T-Mobile combined, with the remedies we put in, providing real competition to AT&T and Verizon for the first time to consumers,” “I think the consumer, particularly in the rural area, is going to win at the end of this, if the merger goes forward.”

said Delrahim.

The Justice Department gave the deal the green light in July. Ajit Pai, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, circulated a draft last month recommending approval of the deal.

When asked by Sen. Leahy whether the Trump administration had any influence over the Justice Department’s decision — citing hundreds of thousands of dollars spent by T-Mobile executives at the Trump Hotel while seeking approval for the merger — Delrahim said his decisions were not based on the “hotel stays of merging parties.”

“My enforcement decision is not bought by a couple hundred thousand bucks of hotel stays,” Delrahim said.

16 states and the District of Columbia have filed a lawsuit aimed at stopping the merger. A trial date is set for December.

Read the entire article here

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