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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

NWIDA has received a copy of an email StraightTalk has sent out, stating that they’ve negotiated an extension of the CDMA end-of-life to the Summer of 2020. We have confirmed with Straight Talk that this is for the Verizon Network only. The text of the email is below. We are checking with other MVNOs to see if Read more…

As previously reported Sprint (and it’s prepaid brands and MVNOs) can no longer activate, or make changes to, any CDMA only handsets. Almost. NWIDA has spoken to a few MVNOs who have “pre-activated” and “frozen” a limited number of CDMA handsets, and will continue to sell them until the current supply is exhausted. But, outside of that Read more…

Selectel has announced end-of-life for CDMA handsets. This, of course, comes as no surprise as Verizon announced it months ago (see NWIDA story here.) CDMA DECOMMISSION INFORMATION Beginning May 1st, 2019: Only HD Voice Capable Devices and 4G LTE data only certified devices may be activated on our network Only HD Voice Capable Devices and 4G LTE Read more…

As mentioned in a previous post, we’re asking other Sprint MVNOs if they have the same “drop-dead” date for 3G device activations as Boost does (April, 30, 2019.) On this page, we’ll keep an updated “scorecard” of what they answered: MVNO Notes/Comments Expo / Ignition Wireless Same date – 4/30/19 Red Pocket No word from Sprint yet Read more…

Last May, “Verizon” launched Visible – a new prepaid MVNO. At launch, you had to have an invite code to join. Then, in September, they removed the invite code and opened Visible to all. Well, all who had an iPhone. However, earlier this month, Visible sent out a tweet saying it will be available to Android devices. Read more…

It’s a great question – and one asked to me by a member of the NWIDA Board of Directors – Do the other MVNOs have the same “drop dead” date for activating 3G devices. So we asked them. We emailed a number of Sprint MVNOs and asked if they received the same date from Sprint. So far Read more…

Recently, a Boost Mobile customer shared a message he received from the MVNO that shows that the network will no longer support 3G devices after April 30, 2019. After this date, Boost Mobile will no longer reactivate service on any 3G device. Boost stated that customers who are still using 3G devices will endure “possible interruptions” in their Read more…

News regarding Verizon 3G activations. Once again, Verizon has apparently extended the 3G Activation “kill date.” Originally scheduled for June 30, 2018, Verizon extended it to December 31, 2018. Now it appears it’s been extended again – to April 30, 2019. Prepaid Phone News (link below) reports the news from a Verizon Prepaid Master as well as Read more…

UPDATED: Yesterday’s news that Verizon has extended the CDMA deadline for MVNOs ONLY does not apply to Verizon pre and postpaid directly. NWIDA has confirmed the following information regarding Verizon prepaid and postpaid: In addition to yesterday’s news that Verizon has extended the CDMA deadline for MVNOs ONLY – NWIDA has confirmed by Verizon the following information regarding Read more…

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