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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Does the Boost Mobile 3G End of Life Impact other Sprint MVNOs?

It’s a great question – and one asked to me by a member of the NWIDA Board of Directors – Do the other MVNOs have the same “drop dead” date for activating 3G devices.

So we asked them. We emailed a number of Sprint MVNOs and asked if they received the same date from Sprint.

So far two three* have responded and here’s what they said:

No it will not and I believe it is only select phones within Boost. There is a security patch that will go into play that will disrupt service to certain phones for Boost. That’s what I heard from my Sprint rep


I heard there are certain older devices that will no longer receive OTA updates coming soon. I have not heard anything outside the Boost announcement that 3G devices cannot be activated after April ’19. I will inquire though.


I haven’t seen any 3G End-of-Life announcement from Sprint yet. I would assume it’s coming though.

So there you have it, direct from the MVNOs. As we hear from others, or hear more info from these, we will be sure to update.

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* Updated to add 3rd MVNO at 7:21pm EST.

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