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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

T-Mobile Re-Opening Corporate Stores

T-Mobile _ NWIDA

T-Mobile shut down over 80% of its corporate-owned stores during the pandemic, including all that were located in malls.

Jon Freier, Executive VP of Consumer Markets, has explained the changes that will be made to keep its customers and employees safe.

These include:
• Reduced capacity and social distancing so everyone stays at a safe distance from each other.
• A T-Mobile employee will now be opening the door whenever a customer enters or leaves the store.
• T-Mobile employees will be wearing face masks and will use sanitizer to disinfect the demo equipment found on display at the store.
• Their own personal devices will also be sprayed and cleaned thoroughly.In addition, T-Mo has beefed up their website so you may longer have to visit a store. It provides 24/7 help for any question you may have. And, the chat can also help connect you with your local store and arrange a curbside or in-store pick-up for any pending orders.

  Freier said:


All of these actions are being taken to keep you safe and comfortable while we help keep you connected to your world. To our customers, our store teams, and all of those in the communities that we serve across this great country of ours, thank you for your patience and your partnership over these last few months.

Read the entire article here.

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