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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

T-Mobile Raising Rates on PrePaid

T-Mobile is raising fees on prepaid starting today. Reddit poster, Electronic-Quail4464 posted this image:

That shows a change in the fee for a “SIM Starter Kit” – This will now be called a “Device Connection Charge” and will be $25 for all voice lines ant $5 for their BTS lines.

As the post stated – this fee is higher than the dealer commission:

I don’t even earn $25 in commission to activate this shit. Absolutely money hungry company.

In-store training seems to be a bit simplistic. T-Mobile’s only instructions to the staff is for them to tell the customer:

The Device Connection Charge is a one-time charge for connecting a new phone device to the network when activating or upgrading with T-Mobile Prepaid.”

T-Mobile raising fees just as the ACP is about to end (and is no longer taking enrollments) is interesting in timing.

In addition, The Mobile Report posts that their is also another new charge in the form of a “Payment Support Charge,” which means if someone wants to refill th eir prepaid services in a store, they’re going to get charged an additional $5 to top off their balance starting April 25 – (not the first time they’ve done this). Of course, T-Mobile stopped paying any commission or fee reimbursement to the dealers a while back (see here) – so the dealers will continue to actually lose money on every in-store fill-up – now it’s even more.

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