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T-Mobile and Sprint Merger Inching Closer to Approval

Sprint / T-Mobile Merger (NWIDA)According to an article in (link below), The Sprint/T-Mobile merger is apparently getting closer to approval.

AndroidCentral quotes a report from Reuters, saying the merger could be approved by the U.S. government as soon as next week.

However, as with most things, there is a catch. If T-Mobile wants the deal to go through, its parent company Deutsche Telekom needs to stop using any Huawei-made technology.

All U.S. carriers are already barred from using Huawei equipment, and this move looks to be a bargaining chip from the Committee on Foreign Investment to pressure T-Mobile’s parent company to follow suit and do the same. Should Deutsche Telekom disagree, Reuters’ source notes that the deal “could still fall through.”

Huawei has refuted the security concerns, saying that they’re “unfounded”, but that doesn’t seem to be stopping the U.S. from cutting Huawei’s ties with as many of its partners as possible.

T-Mobile initially said that it anticipated the deal with Sprint to be completed by the first half of 2019, so this would certainly help keep that timeline on track. Once T-Mobile gets approval from the Committee of Foreign Investment, it then needs to seek approval from both the Justice Department and the FCC.

Read the entire article here

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