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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

T-Mobile adds New Prepaid Plans

T-Mobile _ NWIDAT-Mobile introduced new prepaid plans – including one for $10.00 and has once again forced Metro by T-Mobile dealers to take a hit. 

The new plans (see below) are not available at Metro stores, and as one Metro dealer told us:

They (T-Mobile) will cannibalize some of our most loyal and high retention customers. We get left with the high churn, free phone customers who care about the price out the door more than long term cost – while the loyal, long-term customer will move to T-Mobile branded prepaid.

Here are the new plans:

  • $10 per month + tax for 1000 minutes of talk, 1000 texts and 1GB of high-speed smartphone data
  • $15 per month + tax for unlimited talk and text, plus 3GB of high-speed smartphone data
  • $25 per month + tax for unlimited talk and text, plus 6GB of high-speed smartphone data
  • $35 per month + tax for unlimited talk, text and 12 GB of high-speed smartphone data

The dealer kind of said it all. So – what IS T-Mobile’s end game here? Is it to kill the Metro brand? We know they’re looking for ways to (again/continue to) thin the dealers. One way of doing that is to bump off dealers not meeting KPI – of which churn is most certainly one. Is it to kill the brand completely? Move off the “better” customers to T-Mobile and sell off the rest??? Not 100% sure either way, but one thing is for certain – the indirect dealers are taking the hit – again.


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