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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

NWIDA Statement of Support

Last week, Peter Adderton – founder and former CEO of Boost Mobile USA, issued a press release reaffirming his position on the potential harm the Sprint/T-Mobile merger could cause – especially as it relates to the independent wireless dealers.

As the national association for these dealers, we fully support his position. Not only will this potential merger impact over 30 million customers but tens of thousands of small and medium businesses throughout the country. We cannot support the merger without knowing in advance what “the New T-Mobile” intends to do with Boost Mobile, Metro PCS and Virgin Mobile USA.  It is simply not fair to our members and the rest of the independent dealers not to know what will happen to their livelihood in the near future.

As Peter said yesterday:

I am also pressing (Senators Amy Klobuchar, Mike Lee and others) to secure answers and protections for the 30,000 independent wireless dealers in this country whose businesses are at risk, and the 300 Mobile Virtual Network Operators that buy wholesale services from Sprint or T-Mobile or both. That’s more than 30,000 American businesses that are imperiled by this transaction.”

We also ask the DOJ, FCC and federal legislators across the country to consider these consequences. Boost Mobile, Metro PCS and Virgin Mobile USA have independently owned business presences in all 50 states. It is incumbent on these Senators and Members of Congress to be vigilant and protect their constituents, their employees and their businesses.

NWIDA members, contact us today if you need our help and if you’re not yet a member, we invite you to join today.

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