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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

New York Attorney General Probing Sprint/T-Mobile merger

New York’s Attorney General, Barbara Underwood, is digging into the proposed merger of Sprint and T-Mobile with an eye toward the impact on prepaid services, The Wall Street Journal reports. (entire WSJ article is HERE – subscription required.)

NWIDA T-Mobile Sprint Merger

Together, the two companies have about 30M prepaid customers.

The office of AG Barbara Underwood has sent questions about pricing and customers to companies that sell prepaid phone services in recent weeks, according to the report, and dozens of other state attorneys general are involved in the investigation.

“Mobile devices are indispensable in New Yorkers’ lives — especially for lower-income families who may rely on them as their only connection to the Internet,” a spokewoman says.

You can read the entire article HERE.

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