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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

NWIDA files formal comment on US Cellular Merger

FCC NWIDAEarlier today, NWIDA filed a formal comment with the FCC regarding the US Cellular / T-Mobile merger. The entire comment will be made is now available for public viewing in the next few days on the FCC website. Meanwhile, here’s a summary:

NWIDA is concerned, given T-Mobile’s history with the dealer network in past mergers. US Cellular has hundreds of independent dealers that serve “Middle America” and rural areas. We are asking the commission to:

  • Require binding commitments from T-Mobile regarding the preservation of US Cellular’s independent dealer network.
  • Establish enforcement mechanisms with significant penalties for non-compliance.
  • Implement a monitoring system to track compliance with any dealer-related commitments.
  • Consider the public interest impact on rural communities before approving this transaction.

If you would like to file your own formal comment, you can do so here (It’s FCC Proceeding number 24-286)

NWIDA members, contact us today if you need our assistance. If you’re not yet a member, we invite you to join today.
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